Many travel brands have decreased their levels of work in recent months and thanks to this they also have time to reflect on the image they project abroad. The question is simple, is your visual identity clear and accompanies your brand purpose?

Travel companies have a unique opportunity to rethink the essence of their brand, color palettes, designs and the type of visual communication they have been emitting to their customers in the past. Investing in communication and graphic design analysis, seeking harmony and cohesion in all its channels, prepares your brand for the future. Reinforcing the image, making a brand restyling or simply improving some graphic aspects becomes an added value that customers perceive.

Working with specialists in image, graphic design and photography, becomes a factor of success for travel brands that seek to give an innovative and fresh touch to the brand without leaving aside its values. Because working on branding it is not only a reflection of a brand’s visual identity but also its personality, style and essence.

In any company or personal brand project it is essential to choose carefully the meaning of the colors and shapes taking into account that they suit our audience. Barcelona’s designer and photographer Ester Franco Varón, understands the importance of branding associated with the personality and that is why, in the collaborative economy project in which we have worked together for my instagram account @aliciavalero_tourismmarketing the entire profile at the visual level presents coherence and cohesion. As if they had been selected from the same color palette, the account has uniformity and makes each post shine as unique.

Because in the world of branding it is not only about logo and brochures, it is also important the whole digital part related to social networks. This is the reason why profiles specialized in community management with graphic design skills have a relevant importance.

In my opinion, I have always been a proponent of integrating within marketing and communication teams graphic design specialists since they allow to exponentially improve the projection of the brand.

It is essential to approach the recovery of tourism with our best face and this involves presenting a strong, renewed brand to make our customers fall in love again.