One of my favourite congresses of the year is about to come, the event that merges my two passions: tourism and technology. You can’t miss it!

The eight edition of the Forum TurisTIC, the event especialized in promotion and dissemination about technological innovation for the travel sector, is celebrated this year in Phygital format (Physical+Digital).

The 13rd October, the CaixaForum building in Barcelona will host again this technological event, and this year, under the tagline: “Towards new models of tourism” it will be focused on the application of technological solutions aimed at breaking up concentrations of tourists and promoting off-season tourism .

This 8th edition, in a shorter version compared to previous years s (from three days to one), is focused on the new models of tourism which have had an expansion by the global health crisis we are currently living facing.

The congress will be held held face-to-face with live streaming in the morning (09:10am to 2.15pm) and in the afternoon only in streaming format (4.30pm a 6.30pm). It will be focused on projects and technologies aimed at breaking up concentrations and promoting off-season tourism. All this with the aim of offering safe, quality and sustainable tourism. A major emphasis on technological solutions such as Blockchain, Inteligencia Artificial, Big Data and IoTamong others will be made. Also, all of them will be applicable for both urban and rural areas.

In adition, this year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) dedicates to rural tourism special attention. Therefore, continuing with this approach a special session called: “Technologies applied in rural areas: adding value to the tourist product” and that is part of the european project CHARM (Charming villages). In the sesesion we will find out how technologies could help little villages to develop sustainable tourism projects and therefore, help the local economy.

Without doubt a comprehensive and compelling program that will count on the presence of high rank speakers at both national and international levels. For sure, I won’t miss it!

I am sharing with you the video of the 7th edition, so you can get an idea about the event format, the rank of invited speakers and the public who attends to the meeting.