Students who are in high school this year or those who want to complete their academic background with a master’s degree have this year an important choice in their hands. Possibly many of them are considering which university degree, master/postgraduate course choose and whether their choice will be worth for the future.

The current pandemic we are living has hit the tourism sector severely and it could make many students rethink their choice of career. Many students may think that this situation seems to have no end and that the tourism sector will take years to recover its previous figures and turnover. While it is partly true, we must not forget an important fact: Between 10% and 15% of Spanish GDP is generated by the tourism sector. And the question is, will still be?

We can absolutely assert yes. Tourism will continue to grow in the coming years. Neither here nor in the whole world. And that it does not stop growing has a very broad meaning ranging from the absorption of much more local tourism flows to a much more qualitative tourism.

Tourism activity will live a profound change, an accelerated reinvention in business models, quality, sustainability digitization and support to local communities. It will certainly be one of the sectors that will take a 360º turn due to the pandemic and that will need very well trained and qualified professionals.

Tourism schools that train tomorrow’s professionals must understand the importance of preparing professionals for a competitive and changing environment in which technology will have an important role. In addition, it should be remembered the brand Spain, on an international perspective, has a very good reputation, so we need to continue strengthening the talent in tourism management in companies.

We need tourism professionals in this country who understand business, sales, marketing and digital technology. Society will demand in the short term professionals who are moving forward to the new times and that become the engine of the change of tourism of the 21st century. For this reason, my recommendation is: Yes, study tourism or a master’s degree in tourism marketing but always with a broad focus on business and without leaving aside technology.

The time has come to advance in the global labour market, and especially to innovate in the tourism sector by taking university studies not only based on hospitality but on generating new and more sustainable business, more digital and with higher quality. Let’s change tourism studies to become the leading European country of change in the tourism sector.