Yesterday, 17S demonstrators coloured Spain red as a cry of alert. In doing so, the “Red Alert” movement reminded all of us why creativity, the entertainment sector and business events go hand in hand.

28 Spanish cities joined simultaneously to assert that the event and entertainment industry are culture, training and knowledge.

400 flight cases, huge, black sturdy boxes used to move microphones, cables and speakers where positioned to represent a sector that has been paralyzed since March and for which there are no reactivation plans.

September 17th, 2020 will be remembered as a historical day. A date when for the first time an entire sector, heterogeneous and fragmented, went out onto the street to assert that behind each event, professional meeting or concert, there are many professionals who ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Thousands of professionals have been out of work since March or, at best, are still on a furlough scheme. The events and entertainment industry was the first to be haulted by Covid and it will be the last one to return to normal. However, this does not seem to worry the government very much, as there is no contingency plan to deal with the situation and no measures to help a sector on the brink of collapse.

Events and entertainment are artistic expressions that we all like to enjoy. Their ability to surprise, the possibility they offer to transmit messages and their creative strength capture the public’s attention and make us buzz with excitement. Who doesn’t like to witness a unique and innovative show?


Events are artistic expressions that we all enjoy. Who doesn’t like to attend a unique and innovative show?  

The event industry is pure magic because in it work professionals from different disciplines who get the best out of themselves (event organization agencies, audiovisuals, decorators, caterings, printing, engineers, stewardesses, freelance professionals, marketing, transport companies…) Countless professionals from different backgrounds participate in the creative process of the event, making it something unique, both in content and in stage design. A complete experience that leaves the attendee with an unforgettable memory.

Yesterday, 17S reached a milestone, a decisive moment in which the future for both the industry and society will be decided. The question is simple: Do we want to continue enjoying events in Spain? It is clear that the capacity for survival is diminishing day by day. The time has come to take a moment to reflect and decide whether we want to continue giving support to a strategic sector. Maybe, by the time the Government decides to reactivate the sector, it will be too late.

As a digital marketing professional for corporate events and congresses, yesterday, I too joined the cause. My deepest thanks to the organization we make events for giving voice to an entire sector, for the high health and safety measures that were applied at the event and for the courage shown by all professionals involved, both in person and virtually. United we are stronger and this is why we all need to be together to continue making Events!

Barcelona September 17th, 2020.